

1. Revival cost: 4* Stars

2. Beware! if you want to continue with Niss,Roca, and fred's quest, Please do the pre quest for "The Fairy's Revelation"  Xaolan and Roca(near the waterfall in holy village)  because you will need to revive her again using 4 stars. 


Special Equipment: Prison Eclipse Staff

Special Equipment Stats: Spd+30, Max Sp +100

Special Equipment Rank: 1

Special Equipment Description: Special weapon for Xaolan after her rebirth.

Skill: Force Spell


1. Go to Stoowa Isle, And enter the Dungeon.

2. Follow the path inside the dungeon. You will see a locked door with a statue near it, click the statue and the door will open.

3. Enter the unlocked door and follow the question mark. A big spider will be on the wall, once you click on it a cutscene will appear. Be ready for a battle!

4. After killing the boss, a cutscene will happen again and Xaolan will die.

Obtain:  2*Star

End of Journey for Xaolan

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