
Element : EARTH

Special Equipment: Xaolan's Jade

Special Equipment Stats: Atk +11, Def +10

Special Equipment Rank: 21

Special Equipment Description: Jade which is worn by Xaolan since she was born.

Skill/s: Stone Wall, Star , Force Spell( When Re-birthed)

How to obtain:

1. Go to kelan village, and enter the house near the propshop keeper. Talk to the pirate and a cutscene and a battle will occur.

Obtain: 2* Shale, 1 Star

2. After defeating the pirate, Go outside the portal in the end of kelan village. (going to the north island). Battle the pirates again and go back to the Xaolan's house and a cutscene will appear.

3. Inside the house, you'll see Xaolan's grandma lying down. Talk to her and she will entrust you Xaolan. Accept her fate and Xaolan joins your team.

Additional Quest/s: For Amity

  • Go to Kama Peak with Xaolan (3rd floor of the cave in north island, Near Niss' wand location) and click on the bush. A cutscene will appear.

    Obtain : Xaolan +3 Amity 

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