Star Quests
Pet's death quest are not included in this star list please check "pets"
North Island :
This quest has to involved with 2 wolves that is Lv.15 each. Talk to the Hood Girl and you can choose Help Them or not. Helping them will start the fight against the wolves.
Obtain: Grain Shoes and 1 Star
Total Stars in North Island: 1
This quest involves 2 options in order to get 1 reward.
Reward A: Kill the worm and get the Fishing Skill
Reward B: Do not kill worm to get 1 Star AND Fishing Skill :P
This quest has you traveling in MaKa Cave to fight a Golem Lv.41. If you have fought the Bear in the cave before this fight, then this should be a easy fight. If not, then a healer would be a good idea to have. When you defeat the Golem, return to the old man to get your rewards.
Cat's Eye Ring, 1x 15% EXP Capsule, 2 Stars.
8) Waiter
Conditions: None
Requirements: None
Recommendations: Might need to go down stairs and back up to activate this quest
This quest will test your memory on what the 3 drunks wanted for drinks. Once you complete it, 1 Star is your reward.
(Possible, need confirmation for the [Unbelievers] quest)
Total Stars in Holy Village: 6
South Pole:
This quest involves the Match Girl from the quest [Please buy match!] from Holy Village. When you finish the request she ask and return to her, you will find her dead and get 1 Star.
Total Stars in South Pole: 1
This quest involves a battle that has 4 spirits that are Lv.40 or Lv.80 each with 1 of each element. Upon completing this quest with a kiss to the frog, you will get 1 Star. Should be more for kissing a frog.
Total Stars in Oslya: 1
This quest has one battle against 3 alliens, when you try to leave the cave you will lose Shasha. However, you wll also gain 3 Stars for her loss.
Total Stars in Mayan Tribe: 5
Voyage map:
This quest involves the saving of Magellan. You will gain the following: 1x 10% EXP Capsule, 1 Star, and Magellan will join team.
Total Stars in Voyage Map: 1
23) Big Snake Reward:
Conditions: None
Requirements: None
Recommendations: Bring your whole team or someone strong.
-You have to talk with the guard, follow the map to quest location , then kill the snake there. Go back to the guard, then he takes you to King's castle after talking to the king there you should click on the woman standing, she will changes to a snake , beat the snake again, after that your reward will be coming from the King.
23) The Stranger :
Conditions: None
Requirements: None
Recommendations: Bring someone strong.
- Talk to the villager walking on Egypt street, then go to same map where you fought the snake in above quest, the question mark down in the map is this one
beat the 2 martians, go back to villager and get rewards (includes a star)
the blue part of this photo represents another quest with the same martian
when you cross the river in egypt and go to desert area you will see this quest
the martian ask you for 3 magnets and 1 magnet stone. This quest is also part of the crit weapon quest.
- All quests were searched on ""
- If someone know another star-quest, please contact me on discord.