Rebirth (RB) 

Before we start the quest i will show you all JOBS and their benefits, so when you choose your class you will know more for no future regretings.

Killer : BONUS MANTEAU (ATK) -> +10% ATK (without the equipment), decreases target's counter attack rate, and increases a little primary mana ability. Warriors who like to attack will be killers after they're reborn, for them, attack is the best defense. The most important aim for them is to attack the targets quickly and effectively. It will lower the enemies' morale.

BONUS MANTEAU (DEF) -> 10% DEF (without the equipment), increase a little defense. Warriors are equipped with iron armor and of course agility and speed will be low. But they are good at defense which makes them hard targets to defeat. 

Knight: BONUS MANTEAU (SPD) -> 10% SPD (without the equipment), the speed can be increased automatically when they ride a pet without the Saddle, they will gain 15% of your pet speed. They can tame many different pets. In battle, knights are honorable and also they are the indicators of all. 

BONUS MANTEAU (MATK) -> +10% MATK (without the equipment), increases sealing skill for 10%. The mana attack will be strengthened after being reborn. Furthermore, they are wise and calm enough to create a good strategy, so they are very important in a team. 

Priest: BONUS MANTEAU (MDEF) -> +10% MDEF (without the equipment), strengthens the resistant ability of the seal, they will have +10% of sealing resistance, strengthens the resistant ability of mana and physical attacks. They are wise and cannot be disturbed easily. So they can change their wisdom to resistant power which can upgrade their defense and endurance in combat. 

BONUS MANTEAU (SPD) -> +10% SPD (without the equipment), the failure rate of mana attacks and sealed skills will be decreased by 10%. They can foresee the future and defeat the targets before they can do anything. 

Status of the cape after RB

 RB lv    | Stats in cape: 

100 ; 101   -> 10
102 ; 105  -> 11
106 ; 107  ->  12
108 ; 109  ->  13
110 ;  113   ->  14
114 ; 115    ->  15
116 ; 117    ->  16
118 ; 119    ->  17
120 ; 121   ->  18
122 ; 123  ->  20
124 ; 125  -> 21
126 ; 127  ->  22
128 ; 129  -> 23
130 ;131    -> 24
132 ;133   -> 26
134; 135   -> 27
136; 137   -> 28
138; 139   -> 30
140; 141    -> 31
142; 143   ->  32
144; 145   ->  34
146; 147   -> 35
148; 149   -> 37
150; 151   -> 38

 RB lv | Stats in cape:  

152; 153 ->  40
154; 155 -> 41
156; 157 ->  43
158; 159 ->  45
160; 161 ->   46
162; 163 ->  48
164; 165  ->  49
166; 167 ->  51
168; 169 ->  53
170; 171   ->  54
172; 173  ->  56
174; 175  ->  58
176; 177  ->  60
178; 179  -> 61
180; 181  ->  63
182; 183 ->  65
184; 185 ->  67
186; 187 ->  69
188; 189 ->  70
190; 191  ->  72
192; 193 ->  74
194; 195 ->  76
196; 197 ->  78
198; 199 ->  80

First condition for RB :
Must be at least level 100
Then you need to go to bankgog and talk to this old man.

He will send you for the prequest. Items that you need to get Vajra, Moon mirror and Orb

Enter in this building

Go to the underground there will be 3 entrances, you need to go in each of them and kill all the bosses in there, get those items for the pre-quest.

Number 1 : Vultres

After the battle don't you forget to pick his item for completing the trail.

Number 2 : Chimeras 
Same thing don't forget after the battle to pick their item.

Number 3 : Elephant 
Kill them and get their prize

After collecting these 3 items you should go back and talk to the old man he will give you as RewardSun god's oracle and bodhi seed and 25% xp capsule.


After that you should bring with you Sun god's oracle and talk to this guy at the same building in the next room you should to the guy on the middle and you will climb those ladders fighting challenges for the final part.

Go to 2nd floor. Where you will fight Moais. Only the boss spawn into wind. rest is as you can see on the screenshot. 

Second battle you will need to fight Sunshade. Only Boss spawn into wind. 

Next is Scorpion battle. Here you need to be fast in order to make knight js. Kill them first or keep doing terra on them.

Next are dragons, boss dragon is fire and he can do a lot of damage, start killing him. He will spawn into a fire dragon, kill him next. You can try kill those earth first but it's up to you.

Next are Door guards, they do MATK so be careful with them.
first you should kill the big boss since he does a lot of seal, and then kill respawned water dragon. Kill all the rest the way you must like.


1. Kill mahabrahman.
2. Kill snow door. - no spawn
3. Kill Anubis - Earth dragon spawn.
4. Kill scorpion king - earth dragon - Wind dragon god
5. Kill bird god - fire dragon - fire door god.
6. kill elephant god - wind dragon
7. kill guardian griffin - sphinx - water dragon - wind door god.

All content were searched on 

After finishing it you will finally be able to choose your JOB, you must know everything about your class even before you are leveling him/her, so please build your character for no futures problems after doing RB

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