Primary alchemy quest

PRIMARY ALCHEMY is the very least ALCHEMY skill that you can get, because this ALCHEMY level skill is very easy to get. 

I. Psychic Dagger 
II. Fairy's Axe   

I. Psychic Dagger  

The Mermaid's Quest can be found at North Island, at approximately (X:4542 Y:4115). 

The player meets the mermaid Nielide while training on the coast. The mermaid pleads the player to help her find a conch shell. The Conch can be found at the northwest part of the North island. It can't be taken unless you are on this quest. Return the Conch to the mermaid, and she will transform into a human and go to find her loved one. 

Leave the area for a short while and return to the northwest shore. Nielide will be found near the trees listening to a proposal of her lover to another woman. She will then run back to the shore where she originally was and sacrifice herself, leaving a will for the player. 

Reward: Psychic's Dagger*1 

II. Fairy's Axe 

Target: Woodcutter [X:1482, Y:2095]
Conditions: None

The lost axe can be found at the west shore of the lake on north Island. approx. coordinates X:2122 Y:1995 When the fairy Elfin asks which axe is yours, you should answer "the iron one". She will also give you a gold one. If you answer that it is gold one, she will give you nothing. Then return the iron axe to the woodcutter in Welling Village. 

Reward: Fairy's Golden Axe*1, Star*1,Lauan*5

Primary alchemy

After acquiring these items go to Welling Village then go to the Weapon house (Hut with a big Sword) and talk to the Apprentice having the items on your Item Pack.

Rewards : Primary Alchemy

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