Element : WATER

Special Equipment: Angel Armlet

Special Equipment Stats: Max +350 HP, 30% Resist Seal

Special Equipment Rank: 37

Special Equipment Description: Armlet of Angela eliminates 30% seal effects. 

Skill/s:  Thunder Beating, Holy light



  1. You need to do Charlotte's Quest
  2. Obtain the Ma Stone ( After finishing Charlotte's quest)
  3. Must have a Manual Blender, Coconut basin, Ladder, and a Spacecraft

  1. Using the spacecraft, go to the moon and talk to the jade rabbit. It will ask you for the manual blender and coconut basin.

    *You need to go back to earth to hand the jade rabbit both of the items.

    Obtain : 3x Exp Potion, Rabbit's Mashu

2.  After obtaining the Rabbit's Mashu, Go to Oslya and enter the 3rd Cave shown in the picture below and follow the path.

3. Following that path leads you to the old woman and her jade rabbit. Talk to her and she will need the Rabbit's Mashu. Hand it over, and you will receive a 10% Capsule.

Obtain: 10% Exp Capsule

4. Walk through the next portal, and you will see a lake and Angela will be there. Approach her and a cutscene will happen.

5. Exit the lake and go to the right side of the map and you'll see a Tree. Get Angela's Cloth by using the Ladder and go back to the lake. Talk to Angela again and another cutscene will happen.

6. After the cutscene Angela will join your team.

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